Potential Position

China Government Scholarship (2015-2016)

Information Source:OriginalRelease Date: 2015-04-22View Count:

Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduates Program is established by the Ministry of Education of China (hereinafter referredto as MOE) aiming to offer support in building international high level universities, and promote Chinese higher education brand. According to the notification(教外司来【20142090) of Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of MOE, Fuzhou University is endowed with five enrollments of Chinese Government Scholarship -University Postgraduates Program. Oversea students are welcome to apply.

Categories of applicantsDurations of scholarships
Maser Degree students
2-3 years
Doctor Degree students
3-4 years

According to the notification, students from renowned universities are encouraged to apply. No program for joint graduate students, no share for onescholarship vacancy, no application for students learning language and literature of their native or second language such as English and French.

The vacancy is open to students living outside China so far, not forstudent that already studies in China.

The applicants who get the scholarship will be taught in Chinese orEnglish for their academic programs. According to the relevant regulation, theapplicants for Liberal Arts should pass the HSK5, applicants for science and engineering should pass the HSK4. If the Chinese level of Students who choose to be taught in Chinese does not fit the requirements of academic programs, he or she must study Chinese in the preparatory school entrusted by ChinaScholarship Council (CSC) for one year, and then continue academic programs.

2. Application

Applicants should apply to Fuzhou University in the given time, thedeadline is March 15, 2015.(please give clear indication “Application ofChinese Government Scholarship” on the title of email or envelop) Applicantsshould also log in the China Scholarship Councilhttp://laihua.csc.edu.cnto apply online. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship must be printed out online and then sent to Fuzhou University.

Duration for scholarship and academic programs specified at the time of admission can not be extended in principle. The admission will not go beyond the year.

3. Eligibility

1) Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens,love China, in good health, and can finish the learning tasks in China.

2) Applicants should have a basic knowledgeof Chinese.

3) Education background and age limit:

Applicants for master degree studies must have bachelor’s degree and beunder the age of 35.

Applicants for Doctoral degree studies must have master’s degree and beunder the age of 40.

4. Details of the Scholarship

1) Exempt from registration fee, tuitionfee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, fee for basic learning materials and accommodation on campus;

2) Living allowance;

3) One-off settlement subsidy after registration;

4) Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical Insurance andBenefit Plan for International Students in China.


1) Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship that beyond the university’s arrangements should be afforded by the student himself.

2) Fee for basic learning materials covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution, and other materials shall be selfafforded.

3) Monthly living allowance is paid to the students by the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):

- Master degree students: CNY 1,700 Yuan

- Doctoral degree students: CNY 2,000 Yuan

Scholarship students shall get their monthly living allowance from the date of registration. New students whoregister before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get thefull amount of the living allowance of that month, and those who register after15th will get half amount. The graduates will be given a living allowance foranother 15 days after the graduation time set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the next month after students suspend their studies,drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowancecovers school holidays. Scholarship students who do not get the monthly living allowance during holidays can get that upon return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for one month if students do not register on time without permission from the university in advance, leave for non-health reasons or areabsent from the university over a month.

Students who have to suspend their studies because of pregnancy or serious diseases should go back to the home country andpay for the international trip by themselves. With the university’s approval,the scholarship status can be reserved for at most one year, and their living allowances will be suspended at the same time. The scholarship will beterminated for those who suspend their studies for other reasons.

4) New students will get one-off settlement subsidy (CNY 1,500 Yuan) uponarrival in China.

5) Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense inthe institution’s hospital or the hospitals appointed by the institution. The students should pay for a certain percentage of expense in accordance with theinstitution’s relevant regulations.

6) Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for InternationalStudents in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in Chinaagainst hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the appointed medical assistance agency provide advancement service for insurance expenses, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. The claim of individual student will not be accepted by the insurance company.

7) International travel expenses: self-afforded.

5. Application Materials

The applicants must fill in and provide the following materials truly andcorrectly.

1). Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship, filled in Chinese or in English. The applicant should fill in and submit information through China Scholarship Council Application Online, after submitting, pleaseprint out the Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship created bythe system.

Website of China Scholarship Council Application Online:


Intuition number needed when apply Fuzhou University online: 10386

Fuzhou University’s homepage on Study in China:


It can be downloaded from CSC website (www.csc.edu.cn).

2). Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students or already employed, they shall also provide studying certificates or employment documents. Documents in languages other than Chineseor English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese orEnglish.(both original file and photocopy)

3). Transcripts (notarized photocopy). Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations inChinese or English.

4). Personal statement of applicant in Chinese or in English (noless than 2000 words). The content should include: study and work experience,special achievements; the capacity for scientific research and other capacity.Applicants for Doctoral degree studies should describe the creativity of masterdegree thesis or work. List one or two target tutors.

5). A study or research plan in Chinese or in English (no less than2000 words), including problems that should be solved and expectation ofresearch.

6). Application form of master/doctor degree of Fuzhou University forOversea Students

7). Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English (associate professorat least)

8). The photocopy of HSK certificate (No need for recent graduatestudents in Chinese universities)

9). Students apply for music/dance major should submit CD that include hisor her own works; students apply for fine arts major should submit CD that include his or her own works.( two sketches, two color painting, and two otherworks)

10). The photocopy of Foreign Physical Examination Form. Please save the original document yourself. This form is unified by the health quarantine department of China, and can be downloaded from the CSC website:http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/dl.aspx

Fill in the form in English. The applicants should strictly follow theparts requested in the form. The form with missing items, without aphotograph or without a cross-page seal on the photograph, without doctors and hospitals' signature and seal will be considered as invalid. In view of theresult is valid for 6 months, the applicant should choose the time for physical examination accordingly.

11). The photocopy of the first page of valid ordinary passport.

12). 8 pieces of photo, size equals with photo used in the passport(white background, applicant’s names in the back)

13). Confirm Form of Application Materials 


The above materials should be submitted in duplicate, and bind in a volume in the upper left corner according the sequence. The application materials should be mailedto the Office of Cooperation and Exchange of Fuzhou University by March 15,2015.(Check the address in the contact information, item 1) CSC will not accept personal application. Whether recruited or not, the materials of applicants will not be sent back.

6. Approval and Notification

1). Fuzhou University will review the application materials, combine with result of rating, advice of supervisor, result of health examination comprehensively and decide on the list of accepted students. The Admission Notice will be sent after the approval of department in charge.

2). Fuzhou University is supposed to send the application materials to CSCby April 31, 2015.

3). CSC will review the enrollment results and issue Visa Application Formfor Study In China (JW201).

4). CSC will send the Final List of Accepted Students, Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study In China (JW201) to Office of Cooperation and Exchange in Fuzhou University by June 31, 2015, who will forward thedocuments to the students according to the address listed in ApplicationForm for Chinese Government Scholarship in July

The list of Accepted Students will be published on the website of Graduate School and Office of Cooperation and Exchange ofFuzhou University:

Office of Cooperation and Exchange: http://oce.fzu.edu.cn

Graduate School of Fuzhou University: http://yjsy.fzu.edu.cn

5). Scholarship students’ affairs shall be managed according to relevant regulations of Chinese Government Scholarship. Students are not allowed tochange their institutions. In principle, students are not permitted to change their academic programs, or the duration of study specified in the AdmissionNotice.

7. Contact Information

1) the Office of Cooperation and Exchange

Contacting Person: Mr Zhao

Tel: 0086-59122865239

Fax: 0086-59122865230

Email faomail@fzu.edu.cn


Please mail your application materials to the following address

Room 207, Office of Cooperation and Exchange, Alumni House, Fuzhou University, 2 Xueyuan Road, Minhou County, Fuzhou, Fujian 350116 P.R.CHINA

2). Enrollment Office in Fuzhou University

Contacting Person: Yu Xiaojing


